Nor-Shipping takes place every two years in Oslo, Norway, and has been attracting the main players of the maritime industry from around the world for 58 years. It is one of the most recognized meeting places in the world for strategic negotiation and networking.
For the first time, Belga Marine participates in the 29th edition of the event, represented by our Sales and Business Development Director, Alexandre de Carvalho.
“Nor-shipping 2023 was an excellent opportunity for Belga Marine to strengthen relationships with long-standing partners such as Miros, Ocean Visuals, Cobham, Ulstein and Jotron, and with new ones such as Hoglund. By being an international hub for players in the maritime market, it was possible to connect with many customers and other important decision-makers in the industry. And through participation in networking events and seminars, promoted by the Brazilian delegation, we discovered new opportunities for more business between Norwegian companies and Belga Marine.” Alexandre Carvalho, sales, and business development director.

During the event, we met with several international shipowners and connected with partners that Belga Marine represents in Brazil, including Miros, Zenitel, Jotron, Wilhelmsen Group, Ocean Visuals, and Hoglund.
Pre-event highlight

Before attending Nor-shipping, Belga Marine visited Miros Group, with whom was renewed two agreements to strengthen and expand the partnership for the sales and distribution of products and as-a-service solutions in Brazil. The agreements also extend the target markets to the whole region of South America.
For many years, Miros and Belga Marine have successfully worked together providing reliable ocean surface measurements to the Brazilian market. And it is the result of this partnership that we can offer Software-as-a-Service solutions to maritime and energy companies and expand to new markets.
Belga Marine in 2023
Looking back on the first semester of 2023, we are pleased with the many activities and international exhibitions in which Belga Marine has participated.
We are now preparing for the second semester with two more exhibitions coming up in Brazil. The next stop is Navalshore in Rio de Janeiro, where we will be exhibiting together with our Partners Miros and Ocean Visuals to showcase the importance of innovative technology solutions in the naval, maritime, and offshore sectors.